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Rule of Thumb

There are different ways to determine how much money you need to save to get the retirement income you want.  This is not a one-size fit all model.  It is tailored to your specific needs and desires.  There is no wrong decisions.


One easy-to-use formula is to save 1/3 of your monthly salary now to have 2/3 replacement income when you retire. 

It is important for us to ensure that we have the recommended 2/3 replacement income of last drawn salary as monthly retirement income to continue to enjoy the lifestyle we have become accustomed to.  

  1. Adequacy of monthly replacement income (save 1/3 of your current monthly salary to have have 2/3 replacement income when you retire).

  2. Sufficiency of retirement savings (you will need to have sufficient replacement income to as the whole duration of your retirement years).

  3. Sustainability as hedge against inflation (plan your retirement income to be inflation adjusted).



As Robert Kiyosaki says, "It is not how much money you make, but how much money you keep.  How hard it works for you and how many generations you keep it for."

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