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take control and design 




What are you absolutely determined to do?



It can daunting in the beginning, but once it becomes habitual and you see the benefits, you are 'the boss' of your own financial journey.  You will get better at managing your expenditure and earnings wisely whilst identifying opportunities to grow your wealth (make your money work harder for you). 


Getting on the road to financial success is within your reach.


Taking control of your hard-earned money means investing in you.  Start taking baby-steps to look and do things differently.



What are you most looking forward to in the next 10 years?



I know you want to do it.

I know you can do it.

You deserve to know that you are worthy.

You deserve to know that you can create new hope in your life.

And there’s no better time to start than right now!


“The habit of saving is itself an education; it fosters every virtue, teaches self-denial, cultivates the sense of order, trains to forethought, and so broadens the mind.” —T.T. Munger


“A journey of a thousand miles begin with a single step.”



develop a plan

















Are you crippled by fear of leaving no legacy behind?



Life is fragile, and it is important to make your final wishes known.  We plan most events in life, so a Will should be any different.  


Estate planning is an important component of the financial planning process. Proper estate planning will ensure a smooth distribution of your assets to your loved ones in accordance with your wishes.



 Are you prepared when death knocks on your door unexpectedly?



Many families choose to wait until the diagnosis of a terminal illness or aging nearly 80s, to discuss writing a Will ...

(1) do you know that you are adding stress during an already difficult time:

(2) is the person of sound mind and has the capacity to make decisions?


Approaching these topics earlier in life and even during a happy milestone … can make the subject easier to discuss openly and eliminate the overwhelming worry of impending loss.




for your future.



Are you part of the people who are in denial about your financial reality?


Or are you part of a cohort of Malaysians who knows the importance of financial management BUT do not take active measures?



How much is enough to sustain the lifestyle you want when you are no longer gainfully employed?



You will need to know your starting point to achieve your financial independence as well as security.   


Think about your life and your money - do not let fear dictate your actions.  As Warren Buffett says, "If you don't find a way to make money while you sleep, you will work until you die."



Are you struggling to save enough money to ensure your child has a very bright future?



Breaking up your financial goals into small chunks can help keep you manage your money on the right track thus making the process easier as you progress forward. 



What is your backup plan for dealing with financial emergencies?


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